About Us

The existence of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) has been established for close to two centuries. The pioneers of this fine organization have been fighting a relentless fight with numerous government agencies protecting the rights of federal workers. Yes you! Of course representing organized employee’s constitutional rights were difficult and continue to be a struggle. From the early 1830 to today, government employees have had to fight for their rights, integrity, dignity, respect, needed benefits, and improving all conditions possible for today’s working families. Strength and growth is reflected in numbers and these numbers generate facts.

The fact is that you have a constitutional right to defend yourself by all means necessary. By all means necessary is protecting your rights as a government employee. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1917 granted a union charter to government employees, this was the beginning of the AFGE.

For over 70 years the dedication has been shown in the monumental achievements AFGE has accomplished. During that timeline, AFGE has continuously fought for our colleague’s union rights, paid health care, fair treatment of government employees, various education subsidies, child care benefits and a fair living wage. Also established were the employee’s rights to express their political freedoms. Now I ask you who better to represent and protect the rights of today’s government employees. We are here to express your thoughts, concerns, and issues with voluminous strength. From early 1932 were membership was about 25,000 unionized members to today where there are well over 600,000 federal unionized members nationwide. AFGE’s experience is self explanatory in building the nation of the future where pride and respect for the government employees is instilled back into the workplace. In October of 2007 the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) appointed your fellow CIS and ICE employees towards AFGE’s goal towards ensuring equality, integrity, and honest ethical practices within the federal workplace.

Everyday our membership solidarity continues to grow. The inception of Local 1924 was created having jurisdiction over the Washington D.C. area. Local 1924 and it’s members are a stepping stone towards the example of fair treatment and equality that AFGE strives towards every day. Federal employees have rights, and AFGE Local 1924 takes all measures to ensure that those rights are preserved and enforced to the fullest, and no unjust act of mistreatment is ignored. History is in the making and each of you is an intricate part of that movement toward history. At Local 1924, it is our firm belief that, “Who better to represent and speak for the people, than the people”.

Union Local 1924 President: Michael Knowles